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27 апреля 2015

A delegation of "A Just Force" paid a three-day visit to HungaryThe International Forum "A Joint Answer to Global Challenges – the Path to A Just World"

23 апреля 2015

JR transferred 300 000 rubles for creation of the memorial to journalists killed in the line of duty

21 апреля 2015

Alexander Romanovich: PACE is hanging in doubts

20 апреля 2015

Sergei Mironov received a delegation of the Peace and Friendship Organization of Mongolia

16 апреля 2015

Sergei Mironov about political murders in Ukraine

15 апреля 2015

Sergei Mironov received Franz Thönnes, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Bundestag

14 апреля 2015

Nikolai Levichev took part in the Armenian genocide commemoration meeting

13 апреля 2015

Nikolai Levichev met with a delegation of the Islamic Republic of IranNikolai Levichev met with a delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran

30 марта 2015

Alexander Romanovich met with the parliamentarians from Germany

26 марта 2015

Helen Drapeko initiated the State Duma involvement in the fate of the Russian research vessel arrested in Sri-LankaAlexander Romanovich: military interference in the Yemen conflict is sure to make the situation worse

25 марта 2015

Alexander Romanovich: isolation of Russia doesn’t work outSergei Mironov received the French ambassador Jean-Maurice Ripert

24 марта 2015

A JUST RUSSIA brings to Ukrainian courts 3.500 legal claims of the Donbas residents over the delayed pension payments

23 марта 2015

Sergei Mironov congratulated Irina Vlah on her victory in the elections of the Bashkan of GagauziaNikolai Levichev: Ukrainian people’s entertainment "Everyone to the Maidan" will continue soon

18 марта 2015

A JUST RUSSIA took part in a holiday concert-meeting "We are together!"

17 марта 2015

Sergei Mironov received a delegation of the Bulgarian Socialist Party

16 марта 2015

Alexander Tarnavsky: consideration of the draft law on undesirable organizations in the RF depends on the policy of the WestSergei Mironov: the SS march in Latvia is evidence that fascism is still alive

13 марта 2015

Sergei Mironov about the establishment of a special body to be responsible for solution of the problems of the national and inter-confessional relationsSergei Mironov: not everyone in Europe is admiring the European Union

12 марта 2015

Victor Shudegov received Olga Nahtmanova, a deputy of the National Council of the Slovak Republic

05 марта 2015

The JR faction held a roundtable at the SD "Challenges and threats to the contemporary world order: colonization of Europe by the United States of America, the problems of extremism"

04 марта 2015

Mikhail Emelyanov: extension of American sanctions imposed against Russia is an act of despair

31 января 2015

Alexander Romanovich: We haven’t overcome European rigidity towards Russia but we sowed the seeds of doubt in Europe

30 января 2015

Nikolai Levichev: Government’s anti-crisis plan is "robbing Peter to pay Paul"

29 января 2015

A joint meeting of the JR faction and the faction of the Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova took place at the State Duma
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