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Experts: the second place of Party A JUST Russia is a probable result of the State Duma elections

09 августа 2016

The Public Opinion Foundation (POF) did a month’s research devoted to the electoral preferences of the RF citizens.

The POF sociologists surveyed 1,500 respondents in fifty-three entities of the Russian Federation. According to the survey results, the majority of the respondents would vote for the CPRF, and 8 percent of them would support Party A JUST RUSSIA; the same refers to the LDPR.

The survey revealed that not more than 2 percent of the respondents were going to vote for the rest of the parties.

Georgiy Chizhov, Vice-President of the Center of Political Technologies thinks the main conclusion that might be drawn from the survey results is that the beliefs about the ‘electoral death’ of Party A JUST RUSSIA are far too much exaggerated and absolutely groundless.

"Moreover, there is a strong possibility that PJR will occupy the second place in the result of voting. This possibility has nothing to do with fantasies, especially taking into account the fact that the popularity of Party A JUST RUSSIA always steadily grows during the last days before the elections."

Valeriy Khomyakov, National Strategic Council Director-General, shares his opinion as well.

"The previous election cycle revealed an interesting detail. According to some opinions, up to the very last month before the elections, Party A JUST RUSSIA was not supposed to win over 3 percent. But in the result, the Party gained even as much as 13 percent which was a rather unpleasant surprise for the CPRF and the "United Russia". I do not mention the LDPR just because their voters frequently do not come to the polls. Even if we pay attention to today’s social-economic agenda, we will notice every now and then the twenty-five theses of Party A JUST RUSSIA with which it goes into the elections. Therefore, I will not be astonished if the 8 percent given in the POF survey will turn into 20-25 percent of the votes of electors," the expert mentioned.

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