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Sergey Mironov: Evil must be punished and destroyed

17 ноября 2015

The chairman of A JUST RUSSIA party, a leader of A JUST RUSSIA Faction in the State Duma Sergey Mironov commented the message of the Federal Security Service's (FSS) leader Alexander Bortnikov about the reasons of the Russian plane crush.

– On 31th of October the North Sinai Peninsula was the explosion of an improvised explosive device on board of liner. The confirmation of the terrorism attack version as the cause of the Russian plane crush over the Sinai Peninsula puts an end point to all disputes about the actions of Russia against international terrorism, declared war on all of civilized mankind.

Decisive words of the Russia President Vladimir Putin left no doubt as to principled position of our country. This position can be summed up in the President words of the quote "evil must be punished and destroyed". There is no other way, because madmen, blasphemous calling themselves the "Islamic State" will not stop anything but power. I believe, that the challenge will be accepted by the world community. I hope all our differences with the West countries will retreat into the background against a common treat.

That is why we are today in the State Duma called on the parliamentarians around the world to support our initiative on creation of International anti-terrorism coalition . Recently we celebrated the 70 year anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War and the End of the Second World War. The memory of the heroic deed of our fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers who are in the fields of Russia, on the Normandy coast and in the North of Africa stopped moving throughout the lands the extending brown plague by our common efforts, calling us to unite efforts to face new challenges, risen to the world. I am sure, that Russia will do its duty both to the dead in the skies over Sinai and shot in front of Paris and Ankara, and to the victims of terrorist war in Beirut and Syrian drama.

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