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Sergei Mironov: when there is the most dangerous threat, discord and disagreement are nothing but aiding terrorism

14 ноября 2015

Sergei Mironov, Chairman of Party A JUST RUSSIA, the Leader of its State Duma faction spoke out in connection with a series of terrorist acts in Paris:

The actions of the so-called "Islamic State" are nothing but brutality and barbarism which is absolutely evident. But of course, there is explanation for its activities and expansion

The United States of America has always been pursuing the policy targeted at one principal goal, no matter if it is the Middle East or any other area – establishment of the US superiority. The USA has actively been exporting "America’s democracy" by overthrowing one regime after another. Of course, Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi were not the sinless and ideal leaders, but it was the USA whose actions "had lifted the lid", broke a fragile balance in the Middle East and created an unstable situation in the region. These are the reasons for a huge wave of refugees from the Arab countries that flooded Europe. This mass migration is beyond control. Neither the governments of the European countries nor their law enforcement bodies are able to take it under control.

As for the United States bearing the main responsibility for everything what is going on at present, this country does not suffer either from a mass influx of migrants or faces threats of terrorist acts. There is an ocean that separates the USA from Syria, Egypt and other Middle East countries, that’s why the American leaders have a feeling of impunity and invincibility.

As for the southern borders of Russia, just six hundred kilometers (which is less than the distance between Moscow and Saint Petersburg) separate it from Syria. Now we are fighting terrorism on the far fringes, thus defending not our country but the whole Europe against a terrible threat. We not only conduct powerful and precision strikes against the ISIS positions in Syria, but moreover, we are ready to take a number of measures in different directions. Party A JUST RUSSIA proposes to legislate dactylography for the persons entering Russia from the countries Russia has a non-visa regime with. We also proposed a draft law envisaging a special checking procedure for the Russian citizens coming back from abroad if they had spent over sixty days in the countries with increased terror threat.

Our country is ready to protect its citizens. We are ready to come to rescue to those who need it. We’d like to tell all the countries in the world once again that now when all of us are facing the most dangerous threat, discord and disagreement are a blow on our solidarity; it is actually aiding terrorism. Having joined our efforts, we will be able to arrange a powerful resistance to the terrorist threat which ignores state borders and for that reason is equally dangerous for all of us.

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