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Oleg Nilov links the terror acts in Paris with a recent French Air Force strike on the oil production objects of ISIS

14 ноября 2015

Oleg Nilov, deputy Head of the A JUST RUSSIA State Duma faction links the terror acts in Paris with a recent French Air Force strike on the oil production objects of ISIS not far from the border with Iraq.

According to the deputy, an unprecedented terror attack in Paris is a warning from ISIS and its allies for France and other countries not to make attempts to prevent oil extraction.

"The oil extracted by terrorists is the money ISIS turns into death and fear," the deputy said. "Why are only memorial candles, cathedrals and cities burning? Why aren’t oil-and-gas wells and reservoirs being destroyed? Neither the USA nor the Western countries have ever damaged them during a whole year of bomb strikes on ISIS. There are specific directions given by the strategic partners (patrons) – by no means expose to danger this "petrol station of the world".

The deputy thinks that first of all, it is necessary to destroy not only the stores of weapons and the terrorists’ bases but also all the oil objects that are "the murderous resource which was one of the reasons for unleashing this war".

"Retaliation must follow, and the earth must burn in a direct and figurative sense under the feet of these people who have nothing in common with human beings. They who buy oil and the robbed treasures from the newly-appeared fascists of ISIS and provide them with finances and weapons must be brought to trial. Otherwise, money flows to terrorists will never stop which means all this horror is sure to continue for months and years throughout the world."

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