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The AJR faction deputies introduced into the State Duma the draft law on additional measures for combatting terrorism

10 сентября 2015

On 10 September, the deputies of the State Duma faction of Party A JUST RUSSIA Sergei Moronov, Nikolai Levichev, Mikhail Emelyanov and Alexander Romanovich introduced into the State Duma draft federal law No 879098-6 "On making amendments to Article 11 of the Russian Federation Law "On the State Border of the Russian Federation."

The explanatory note to the draft law says that according to various sources, about ten thousand Russian-speaking militants fight on the side of ISIS at present. According to the authors of the legislative initiative, the very fact of presence of so many Russian-speaking people among the terrorist organization members poses an extremely high threat of dissemination of the ISIS ideology throughout the territory of Russia.

As Sergei Mironov, the Chairman of Party A JUST RUSSIA and Leader of the AJR State Duma faction explained: "The draft law is targeted at suppression on the Russian Federation of criminal activities of the people trained in the terrorists’ training camps." These activities are a particular threat due to activation of the ISIS extremists and involvement of the Russian-speaking militants in this organization. That’s why in compliance with the draft law, it is necessary to introduce an additional control of the persons crossing the RF state border who were over sixty days away in the countries with a higher level of a terrorist threat."

The parliamentarian believes that all this will raise the efficiency of counter-terrorism measures.

According to the draft law authors, this preventive measure will foster suppression throughout the Russian Federation territory of any unlawful activity of the persons trained by the terrorist organizations and raise effectiveness of the law-enforcement, administrative and legal measures as well as the other counter-terrorist measures.

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