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Sergei Mironov: there may be the third Maidan in Ukraine once people realize nothing has changed

27 ìàÿ 2014

Sergei Mironov, Chairman of political party A JUST RUSSIA and the leader of the State Duma faction of the party made comments on the urgent political issues such as voting in Ukraine, a long-term gas contract with China and the coming elections to the Moscow City Duma in his televised talk at the Russia-24 news channel.

In his comments about the legitimacy of the presidential elections in Ukraine, Sergei Mironov reminded everyone of the fact that former president Victor Yanukovich was not stripped of his powers.

"The pseudo leaders pretend that the elections were carried out successfully although two regions of Ukraine did not participate in them at all, and those who did, had to actually vote at the point of the guns of the people from the Right Sector."

The parliamentarian also remarked that the elections were unlikely to add anything new to the current situation in Ukraine.

"The first thing the so-called President of Ukraine Mr. Poroshenko said was that he was going to establish order in the south-east of the country. The ‘order’ would mean neutralization of everyone who refuses to dance to Kiev’s tune whose melody is composed by Washington", Mr. Mironov claimed.

The deputy also reminded of the recent massacre in Donetsk initiated by the new Kiev authorities. He called it Genocide and the war of the Kiev leaders against their own people.

"I am absolutely convinced that the present self-appointed authorities of Ukraine will finish their careers in the international tribunal, they will have to stand trial. The ‘script writers’ of the current events in Ukraine are eager to be past the point of no return, but if they want to forget about the snipers in the Euromaidan, the Odessa Khatyn and the Donetsk massacre, they are mistaken: nothing will come of it. People who at present have to bear arms in defense of their homes deserve support, and we will give them this support".

Sergei Mironov also reminded of the statement issued by Party A JUST RUSSIA which recognized the results of the referendums and the status of the Donetsk and Lugansk republics.

Answering the question when the reprisal raid might finish, the Chairman of party A JUST Russia said that in his opinion, it would lead to a partisan war.

"The only alternative to the bloodshed is talks between the representatives of Kiev and the south-east," Sergei Moronov said. "Despite Poroshenko’s intention to arrive to Moscow for talks, nobody is waiting for him there. The authorities of Russia are convinced that Ukraine must solve its internal problems independently, and Russia must use every legal way to bring Ukraine to the table for negotiations. The situation may be settled only by changing the Constitution and federalizing Ukraine. It is also necessary to give help to the people fighting for their rights in the south-east. If it can’t be done at the national level (due to some reasons), it should be done at the face-to-face one. Party A JUST RUSSIA has already given such help and is going to do it in the future".

According to Sergei Mironov, at present, there is going on a war between the oligarchs in the halls of power of Ukraine. "I’d like to ask a simple question: how do the people who initially came to the Maidan protesting against corruption and oligarchs feel about rise to power of an oligarch again?" Sergei Moronov remarked.

The parliamentarian said the third Maidan may emerge in Ukraine as soon as people realize that nothing has changed, and, moreover, things are getting worse and worse.

Adverting to the European Parliament elections, Mr. Mironov emphasized that regarding attitude to Russia, French politician Marie Le Pen took up the position different from the rest of Europe: she is strictly against the sanctions and makes it absolutely clear that only Europe should be blamed for the situation in Ukraine.

"Sooner or later, it will be impossible to hide the ugly and disgusting face of fascism in Ukraine, and then all Europe will either have ‘to wash its hands in blood’ together with the fascists or distance itself from them and admit the evidence. I am sure about the second," Sergei Mironov said.

According to the parliamentarian, nowadays, Europe is ‘sick’ which is confirmed by the last Eurovision contest. As for eurosceptics, they are eager to bring the Europeans down to earth by showing them that one cannot display disregard to the traditional values of the whole Christian world.

Sergei Mironov stated that Europe had not condemned the murder of the Italian reporter, which once again proves the policy of double standards.

"As experience shows, there is a principle asserting that sooner or later, if you do not concern yourself with politics, politics will concern with you, and the double standards will produce a boomerang effect in the end. It is impossible to deceive people and yourselves all the time," declared the politician.

Mr. Mironov said that the USA benefit from everything going on in Ukraine is frightening NATO by readiness of Russia for bringing in troops and continuing of annexation, without limitation to Ukraine but extending it to Pridnestrovie, Poland and other countries. Thus, there will arise the necessity for the NATO countries to upgrade their defense complexes by purchasing them in the USA. According to the deputy, the geopolitical target of the USA is approaching of the NATO forces to the Russian borders.

"The USA authorities are very worried that Vladimir Putin may be acknowledged as the world leader ‘number one’ due to his stance on Syria and defense of the national interests of his country," he said.

Sergei Mironov gave a positive evaluation of the troop exercises held by Russia near its borders. "All of us must remember that our ‘gunpowder is dry’, and our armed forces are always ready to defend our own national interests but such interests are not always defended on the territory of your country."

Answering the question if our State is going to reorient its national policy after reaction of some countries to the events in Ukraine, Sergei Mironov declared that it was already taking place, mentioning as an example, the successful meeting the country’s leadership had in China, and signing of the gas supply contract which is unprecedented in its volume.

"Many people remember the quote of Alexander III that Russia has two faithful allies: its Army and its Navy, but a few know its continuation: ‘because sooner or later, all the other allies will betray us," said Sergei Mironov. Then he continued: "It turned out really so on the part of the States and Europe. We have to rely only on ourselves; everything done regarding the integration processes within the framework of the Customs Union and the Euroasian Union is the correct national policy of our country."

The parliamentarian said that Russia must continue to assert its national interests and cooperate with the other states on beneficial terms, emphasizing that the sanctions imposed on our country are harmful, first of all, for the Europeans themselves.

According to Sergei Mironov, party A JUST RUSSIA has been disputing with the other parties, especially when it concerns the social issues, but once it is referred to the country’s national interests, all the four parliamentary parties express solidarity. The parliamentarian believes that this confirms the power and strength of the Russian State.

Sergei Mironov also spoke about participation of party A JUST RUSSIA in the forthcoming election to the Moscow City Duma. He said the party was going to nominate its candidates in each of the 45 city districts. Moreover, there are a lot of dignified candidates in the party, but it is still early to judge about the success of the future campaign. The politician also reminded that a bad timing of the election conduct and a powerful administrative resource of the United Russia party will act against the members of the A JUST RUSSIA party.

Sergei Mironov expressed his hope that the future election to the Moscow City Duma would be honest as well as his conviction that the representatives of party A JUST RUSSIA would be elected to that body.

According to the parliamentarian, people in the capital of our country are excited about the problems of migrants, transportation and communal services, especially overhaul of housing. The politician also stressed that party A JUST RUSSIA is totally against laying upon the owners the costs of the slum dwelling overhaul.

Sergei Mironov also made a comment on the debates over allocation of three billion rubles to the new building for the Moscow City Duma on Strastnoy boulevard. He noted the need for the new building but also stressed significance of the correct and economic disposition of the funds.

The issue of expansion of the municipal deputies’ powers was also touched upon during the talk.

"Although the municipal deputies have enough powers, it is necessary to expand them. The main thing is provision of their powers," the politician said. "At present, most part of the municipal finances available at the municipalities is spent on the salaries of the deputies. There are no finances left for development of the region. Our proposal is to transfer part of the taxes charged from the producers of goods and services to the funds of the municipalities on whose territory they are produced. We also propose to introduce a broader rule enshrined in the law: the tax shall be paid at location of the enterprises but not in Moscow or Saint-Petersburg where their head offices are."

Sergei Mironov also emphasized the necessity of returning local government to people, at the regional level.

At the end of the program, Sergei Mironov made public three main ideas party A JUST RUSSIA is ready to propose the Muscovites: overhaul of housing with use of the city budget funds, strict requirements for attraction of the foreign workforce and creation of the municipal police.

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