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Nikolai Levichev holds a meeting with the Chairman of the conservative faction of Majlis of the Islamic Republic of Iran

17 декабря 2015

Nikolai Levichev, Vice-Chairman of the State Duma held a meeting with Golam Ali Haddad Adel, the Chairman of the conservative faction of the Mejlis of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

At the beginning of the meeting Mr. Levichev stated successful development of relations between Russia and Iran. The State Duma deputies have recently held a number of meetings with the delegations of the commissions and committees of the Mejlis of Iran. The meeting of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin with the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Khasan Roukhani gave a new impulse to the cooperation between the two countries. This cooperation acquires particular importance in the fight against a terrorist threat.

"It is a constructive cooperation between Russia and Iran in the context of widespread anti-terrorist actions that is one of the most important factors averting the world from a global war," Nikolai Levichev emphasized.

Golam Ali Haddad Adel declared that the complexity of the fight against radicals is that terrorism continues to develop under the slogans of fighting against terrorism. "At present, the countries providing terrorists with money and weapons claim that they are also fighting terrorism," he said.

A Mejlis representative especially stressed Russia’s independent position on various extremely significant issues, especially on the nuclear program of Iran.

The policy of sanctions pursued by the West against Iran and Russia was another important issue discussed at the meeting.

"Open adherence to double standards resulted in possibility to say one thing but do another," Nikolai Levichev noted. Having become a tool used by the USA and its allies, discourse of human rights turned out to demagogic and false", the SD Vice-Chairman stressed.

Cooperation between Russia and Iran under such conditions will make it possible to minimize the consequences of the sanctions. Under the conditions of the restrictive measures, Iran has considerably succeeded in the AeroSpace sphere even under the conditions of restrictive measures.

"The example of Iran proves that even the toughest sanctions may be used for good and mobilize the nation’s intellectual resource, and thus lead to the real import substitution,"

Mr. Levichev emphasized.

Russia will be able to cover the requirements of Iran in the scientific and technical sphere. In its turn, Iranian production may substitute, for example, the products of Turkey on the shelves of the Russian shops. Nikolai Levichev remarked that there are still some hurdles of a technical character but they must be removed in the nearest future, and once it’s done, the volume of trade between the two countries will increase.

In conclusion of the meeting, both sides stressed the importance of continuation of cooperation between Russia and Iran at various levels. "Our cooperation makes a positive impact on the whole region," Golam Ali Haddad Adel emphasized.

Nikolai Levichev emphasized the importance of inter-parliamentary cooperation. "The deputies are people’s representatives and focus on a wider range of interests than the officials," he explained.

Both parties admitted the necessity to continue meetings on the parliamentary sites to promote not only cultural and humanitarian cooperation but also development of people’s diplomacy.

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