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Alexander Romanovich addressed the meeting of the Socintern Council

27 ноября 2015

The first day of the second meeting of the Council of the Socialist International held this year is over. It was participated by a delegation of Party A JUST RUSSIA which includes Alexander Romanovich, Secretary of the Presidium of the Party Central Council on Foreign Affairs, deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee for Foreign Affairs and Alexander Tarnavsky, a member of the JR Central Council, the first deputy Chairman of the SD Committee on Budget and Taxes.

Alexander Romanovich addressed the main session of the meeting devoted to the ways of provision of global stability, peace and security during the period of crisis.

In his speech, Mr. Romanovich welcomed the audience and expressed appreciation of the PMLA Party hosting the event; he also thanked the Angolian fellow thinkers for their hospitality and a perfect arrangement of the Council meetings.

After that, the JR representative touched upon the problem of counter-terrorism.

Alexander Romanovich said that according to the JR estimation coinciding with the position of the Russian Federation leadership, conditions for creation of the so-called Islamic State and its further activation emerged as a result of interference into the affairs of the Middle East countries which was not authorized by the UN. The unauthorized interference led to an artificial fall of regimes and destruction of statehood in Iraq, Lebanon and Afghanistan. He stressed that at present, to our deep regret, all of us are witnessing a cruel fratricidal war in Syria that was artificially started there.

The reporter stressed that as for interstate relations, terrorism was condemned unanimously at the highest international level – at the UN jubilee session in New York – by the leaders of the world community countries. However, on practice, it goes like this: there still exist essential differences regarding the character and the methods of combating terrorism as well as the ones for establishing the affiliation to the world terrorist camp.

On the one hand, there is an informal coalition united around the USA and conducting attacks against terrorists but its activities are not authorized by the UN. On the other hand, having received an official appeal from the functioning Syrian government, Russia started its legal air-force operation against ISIS in Syria, with the support from its allies in this matter.

In his speech delivered at the United Nations, Russian President Vladimir Putin called for a nation-wide unconditional consolidation of the forces of the world community under the conditions of a growing threat from ISIS, something like the anti-Hitler coalition of World War II.

However, there has not been an adequate reaction to this reasonable call yet. Moreover, these days Turkey declaring in words its solidarity with antiterrorist actions made a step actually undermining even any possibility of such joined actions. Turkish warplanes shot down a Russian military aircraft participating in the air operation against ISIS in Syria.

According to Alexander Romanovich, Party A JUST RUSSIA thinks it is necessary that such an international component as parties be also involved in provision of the anti-terrorist union in such a complicated situation. Being a powerful and influential association of parties and guided by the humanistic social-democratic doctrine based on lasting value of human life, the Socialist International can’t but react to a number of bloody terrorist acts committed by ISIS in these latter days in several countries, including the murder of civilians in France, i.e. in the very heart of Europe.

The speaker believes that the organization must come out for an armed response to terror, no matter how revolting it might be to the pacific world outlook of the Socintern members, and support a global coalition of the states to fight back terrorism. Here, we must speak not only about a uniform understanding of the goals, tasks and objects of this fight but also about the coordinated and clear joined actions providing mutual understanding and mutual trust inside the international coalition.

According to Alexander Romanovich, the delegation of Party A JUST RUSSIA finds it reasonable to accept the Appeal to the governments of the world countries at the meeting of this kind. The appeal might make a significant contribution into unification of the world community for fighting against international terrorism.

The corresponding draft document was handed over by the JR delegation to the Secretariat of the meeting.

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