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Alexander Romanovich sent a letter of condolence to the First secretary of the French Socialist Party J.-CH. Cambadelis

16 ноября 2015


Dear Mr. Cambadelis,

On behalf of Political Party A JUST RUSSIA and on my own behalf, allow me to extend our deepest and sincere condolences on the tragic loss of lives of peaceful citizens who became victims of the series of terror attacks in Paris. Please, give our most sincere compassion and deepest sympathies to their families and friends. We wish a quick recovery and safe return home to everyone injured in the attacks.

The members of our party as well as all Russian people feel deepest outrage over a new bloody crime committed by terrorists. We are in solidarity with all forces that are against this most dangerous evil in the modern world.

The attack against France is a challenge to the whole civilized humanity. The goals of international terrorism are well-known: destabilization of the world, aggravation of political and social tensions. These cruel terror acts that are dirty and wild in essence must not remain unpunished.

Intensification of the criminal activities of terrorist groups throughout the world demands that the international community take decisive, adequate and effective actions. We must join our efforts and all together rid the world of this deadly threat.

May A JUST RUSSIA also wish the French socialists and all French people to remain courageous and strong during these hard times!

We hope that everyone who is responsible for this monstrous crime will be found and receive the punishment they deserve.

With respect,

Alexander Romanovich
Secretary of Presidium
of A JUST RUSSIA Central Council
on International Affairs

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