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Alexander Romanovich: military interference in the Yemen conflict is sure to make the situation worse

26 марта 2015

Alexander Romanovich, Secretary of the Presidium of the JR Party Central Council on Foreign Affairs, a deputy of the SD JR party faction commented on the situation in the Republic of Yemen:

Another precedent of military interference in the internal situation of a foreign state has been created in our already turbulent world. Military air forces of Saudi Arabia launched airstrikes against the Shiite (the Houthi) rebel positions in Yemen.

It is natural that the Saudi military are sending the reports of triumph about destruction of the airbase in Sana, the capital, and the largest part of the rebels’ air defense system. But the question is that the above-mentioned objects are not lost in the desert; on the contrary, here we speak about a dense city infrastructure where peaceful residents are killed in the airstrikes.

According to the preliminary information, there are victims among both the "Ansar Allah" Islamist militants and civilians. Thank God, according to the Russian MFA, none of the Russian citizens was either killed or injured. Having taken additional measures of security, the Russian Embassy and the Consulate General located in Sana and Aden continue their work

Party A Just Russia is guided by a humane, social democratic doctrine which treats human life as an ever-lasting value. That is why we have always severely criticized the military operations distinguished by known technical superiority which makes thousands of people feel powerless and defenseless; first of all, it refers to civilians.

The situation in the Republic of Yemen is a tangle of domestic policy, sectarian and clannish problems which may lead to the breakup of the country in the near future and implementation of the Somalia scenario on the territory of Yemen which means simultaneous creation of several state formations.

The occurrence of separatists in the south is determined by long existence of two states (North Yemen and South Yemen) on the territory of Yemen. After the country was united, the leadership of Ali Abdalla Salekh who is the northerners’ representative started to pursue the policy of violation of the southerners’ rights in actually each sphere.

To our regret, there are a lot of forces interested in the breakup of the country. To reach this target, it is just necessary to supply the required amount of weaponry to the country, and this is already successfully being done. This weaponry will provide an impact on the whole region by sprawling throughout the neighboring countries, as it was with the Libyan armament.

In view of the worsening situation in Yemen, the UN Security Council members held an emergency meeting last week, but they limited themselves to support of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi and condemned the Houthis’ actions. Nothing was said about authorization of military actions.

The order to start aerial bombardment was given by Saudi King Salman Bin Abdul Aziz. Earlier, the Saudi Arabia Ambassador to the USA announced the start of a military operation of the ten-country Arab coalition against Yemen in order to return Yemen President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi to power.

As a result, the world has actually met with a regional unsanctioned action (even though it is a joint one) which may do irreversible damage to the country (as a whole), result in numerous deaths of people, destroy the infrastructure of Yemen and wreck its economy.

Party A JUST RUSSIA shares deep concern expressed by the Russian MFA over the aerial bombardments of Yemen. The RF foreign service assured that Russia would continue to promote (including the UN forum) an early peaceful settlement of the Yemen conflict.

It is clear that the strategically important location of Yemen attracts the attention of many forces to the country which substantially worsens the situation there. In spite of the Conference of the National Dialogue targeted at elaboration and adoption of the basic principles of the future state structure with participation of all political forces, terror acts and explosions have not stopped in the country yet. The external military intervention is sure to make the situation worse, and moreover, the conflict may be internationalized.

Achievement of the national reconciliation between the parties to the conflict must be the cornerstone here. Nothing but the above-mentioned reconciliation may provide preservation of the territorial integrity of the country, formation of the bodies of state power, implementation of the constitutional reform, reforms of civil service and local governments as well as solution of the problem of separatism, and settlement of the relations with its neighbors.

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