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The JR faction held a roundtable at the SD "Challenges and threats to the contemporary world order: colonization of Europe by the United States of America, the problems of extremism" 05 марта 2015 Roundtable "Challenges and threats to the contemporary world order: colonization of Europe by the United States of America, the problems of extremism" chaired by "JR" faction deputy Alexander Romanovich was held at the State Duma on March 04. The roundtable was participated by the deputies of the JR faction Andrey Tumanov, Alexei Chepa and Alexander Tarnavsky. The meeting was moderated by G.N. Samuilov, Ph.D., Assistant Professor (MADI, OSTHU). Among the roundtable participants were President of the National Strategy Institute M.V. Remizov, Chief Editor of the Internet-portal Religion and Media A.V. Schipkov, Professor V.N. Rastorguev (MGU), Professor V.I. Shamshurin (MGU), deputy Editor-in-Chief of newspaper "The Izvestiya" B.V. Mezhuev, writer, philosopher and public person V.V. Aksiuchits, Professor S.G. Kara-Murza (MGU), Professor M.G. Shtraks (MADI), Chief Editor of portal Politconservatism.ru Kiril Benediktov, Journalist Alexander Letsa and others. The principal speaker was Doctor of Economics, French political expert and public person Ivan Blo who reported on "Europe – a colony of the United States of America?" Gennady Samuilov stated that in addition to the Expert Council of the JR faction, Ivan Blo’s visit to Russia was initiated by Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University of Humanities (STOUH, Moscow) in cooperation with the Chair of Political and Legal Philosophy of the MGU Philosophical Faculty. Alexander Romanovich stressed that invitation of Ivan Blo is "an answer to certain challenges that make us hold a dialogue and look for the ways of solution so that to make our world and Europe corresponding to the existing realities." According to him, never has the roundtable subject been so relevant as it is now, but its discussion is a complicated and subtle issue that needs debating, especially when it concerns religious extremist. "I’d like to ask everyone to treat these issues with an utmost tact and understanding," the politician stressed. "There are different points of view, and it’s very important to stick to the reasoned discussion that is sure to deliver its benefits." In his report, Ivan Blo emphasized that an actual economic, political and immigration colonization of Europe started right after the disappearance of the USSR. In particular, regarding the economic colonization, he thinks that the Euro appeared out of despair and unwillingness to acknowledge the US dollar as a world currency. "There are two main states in the European Union: France and Germany, the others are "the satellites". Moreover, the common currency cannot comply with the economics of different countries. The euro has turned out to be too strong for Greece, Spain and Portugal," he explained. According to him, the cultural colonization is that the English language has become extremely spread out after World War II. "It’s impossible to resist the Hollywood." As for the immigration colonization, it is that after they have arrived in France, immigrants neither learn the French language nor integrate in the society; on the contrary, they establish their own communities where the crime rate is steadily growing. At the same time, (as Ivan Blo said) France cannot but permit friendly Algerians to come to the country; it is unproductive to counteract Islamist groups only with the help of the law-enforcement bodies. He believes there is the need for a common idea that might unite the younger generation and make it patriotic. In his report "Russia and Pan-America: scenarios, strategies and risks", Valery Rastorguyev singled out several spheres which he characterized as the global manufacturers of meanings. "Politics is filled with various meanings. But where do they come from? Do they emerge inside politics? Maybe, these meanings come to politics from somewhere outside?" he explained. "Speaking about the manufacturers of meanings. I’d mention three large ones: science, analytics and education belong to the first one (they represent some sort of three large workshops interconnected by the common scientific disciplines). Public policy is the second manufacturer that is huge, and its workshops are connected with a political-and-technological direction. Of course, the third powerful manufacturer – Mass Media (but for being powerful) is also rather autonomous." The reporter also answered the question why there are sharp contradictions between Russia and Europe, and why "they are moving in different directions." "Europe – it is dechristianization and the cult of vice; the main thing is that it is an attempt to impose a global project of restructuring on the world," he explained. "It is an attempt to create a society without nations and nationalities which will result in an attempt of control, something that we call a horizontal censorship: when people keep an eye on one another as if they were professionals." However, Russia has quite a different plan. According to Mr. Rastorguyev, its prospects include restoration and strengthening of the role of Church and spirituality, return of moral values and the institution of the family. Victor Aksuchits made the report entitled "The USA – a colony-office of the world oligarchy, Distribution of roles in the United States of Colonies." In his report he mentioned the fact that the USA declaration that "Siberia does not belong only to Russia but to the whole world" may mean that Siberia seems to be perceived as a colony of American oligarchy." "But the world turned out to be multipolar and integrated in its variety. We are united at least in an effort to jointly save the world. Everything that follows is just a variety...".he stressed. Victor Aksuchits believes that although It may seem to be a paradox, but the picture of the world existing in the consciousness of representatives of the so-called American oligarchy differs drastically from the one existing in other cultures. All the other states look like colonies with various functions for the USA. According to the American perception, the world is nothing but resources (technical, industrial, financial etc.) which should be used for their (the USA) purposes. "What is this subject of the world oligarchy interested in? the reporter asked a rhetorical question. It is interested in yielding of all colonies to the USA. After Europe had united in the European Union, a certain opponency emerged as the EU technical, human and territorial resources are huge. Everything must be done to prevent the EU from becoming some sort of a subject. That’s why the total belt of instability which is being created throughout Africa, Syria, the Apennine peninsula and further at he Caucasus and in Ukraine is targeted at gaining control over all these subjects, including Europe, China and Russia as well." Alexander Schipkov devoted his report to modern liberalism and colonialism, and also compared the neoliberal and communist doctrines. "In modern politics, we often face the messianic theses about challenges of time, and the right and wrong sides of history. This neoliberal language resembles (in some way) of Marxism-Leninism. But protestant fundamentalism (its geopolitical version) is used here instead of the doctrine of historical materialism, and this is what drastically differentiates the neoliberal doctrine from the communist one," he emphasized. According to the speaker, this doctrine is also distinguished by economic inequality in the world division of labor. In particular, the neoliberal world is divided into the zones of "the Golden Billion" and its economic colonies. In addition, there are permanent exports of capital from periphery. "For example, production of goods is cheap in the third world countries but their selling is expensive in the Western markets. Moreover, no one is willing to share," Alexander Schipkov mentioned, as an example. Propaganda also differentiates neoliberalism from communism as (according to the speaker) communists had morality (although it was class morality), and information pressing of liberal public order is devoid of any morality except an archaic idea of contradiction between civilization and barbarism. Moreover, the USA may appoint anyone they want to be a barbarian. "We are actually observing a transition to the forms of colonialism which were impossible during the period of confrontation between the systems," Alexander Schipkov draws the conclusion. Thus, the world social inequality from which there is just a short step to the idea of cultural exceptionalism and ideological superiority has been becoming true since the end of the XXth century, the speaker mentioned. So, it is possible to shortly come to racism. Alexander Schipkov reminded that Hitler had applied similar methods, and he did not bring anything new but for animal hatred of the Slavs and Jews. The roundtable was finished with Ivan Blo’s second report devoted to the origins of revolutionary Islamic ideology. According to the speaker, Sajjid Kutb (born in Egypt), the ideologist of the Muslim Brotherhood was one of the brightest ideologists of political Islam. "Although the French media claim that all terrorists are outcasts, Sajjid Kutb was a person of keen intellect," the speaker stressed. He had a perfect educational background, and moreover, he was a writer and a philosopher, an expert on the Quran, and he taught at school. In 1949 he went to the USA to study the experience of school arrangement. It was there that his transformation took place." Ivan Blo told the audience that Sajjid Kutb had developed a firm hatred of vicious America and treated it with disgust. He began to severely condemn American lifestyle, and then he arranged an army which tried to oust Nasser. As a result, the Quran teacher was put to prison and sentenced to death by hanging. There (in prison) he wrote the book "In the Shadow of the Quran" which condemned the desire of people to live by their own laws but not according to the Quran. Later on Osama Ben Laden became a faithful worshipper of Sajjid Kutb and his books. "The West made a terrible mistake when it permitted that movement to develop," the speaker explained. Now we think that it is enough to call in the police to prevent terror acts but it is not so. Ideas are required. Younger generations are saturated with anti patriotism, and the Islamists hate France." Summarizing the above-said, Ivan Blo declared that "the Islamist State" is advancing by making use of not only "martyr" terrorists but ideology as well. The main thing for them is to convert the whole world into Islam. "As the Quran says, people should not be made to accept Islam, it is necessary to eliminate all the obstacles that prevent them from doing it," he stressed. Summing up the discussion, Alexander Romanovich, the roundtable Chairman, expressed his hope for further cooperation with his colleague from France and offered to continue the discussion of the given issue during the next roundtable.