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Sergei Mironov congratulated Irina Vlah on her victory in the elections of the Bashkan of Gagauzia

23 марта 2015

Dear Irina Fiodorovna,

On behalf of Political Party A JUST RUSSIA and in my name, I would like to express my congratulations to you on your victory in the elections of the Bashkan of Gagauzia autonomy.

Your confident victory already in the first ballot and over 50% of the electoral votes you won provide clear evidence of a high credibility you have among the people of Gagauzia.

This victory seems to be even more convincing if we take into account rather complicated conditions of the elections you won. It is no surprise that pro-western political forces make every effort to prevent victory of those who support integration with the Eurasian Economic Union and a close cooperation with fraternal Russian people.

In spite of it, the people of Gagauzia have sent a clear message whose side they are on, whom they sympathize with and what their vision of the future of the autonomy is.

I am totally convinced that the people of Gagauzia have made the right choice during the elections.

I would like to wish you every success at the new responsible post!

Yours sincerely


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